So guys and gals, what's the first thing that comes to mind when you think Baywatch?
Thats it......
Most definitely.....
One for the ladies....






So what can we conclude from this? All beach lifeguards are drool-worthy sex-bombs(minus the hoff.) running around in the tightest red swimsuits on earth?
Erm.... You wish?
Lets see what its like in reality....

See how the media can pull wool over your eyes?
So now, would you rather get mouth-to-mouth from this chick?

Or this one?

Holy Shit dude... Those chicks are hot man!!! Do they even make swimsuits for these women? I would love to see an entire season of baywatch with these massive chicks in it!!! I can totally picture them running down the beach... haha...
You are a really sick sob, what kind of self-indulgent retard would post something like this? Ever thought of how those women feel? Maybe it wasn't their choice to be big, and maybe it is Elephantitis? Well obviously an idiot like you wouldn't know something like that. I pity you, such ignorance. Maybe you should put yourself in their shoes, see how it feels schmuck.
Uh oh... troll alert! So... who are you... Mr Righteous or smthing? Firstly, I don't see how my post in anyway shows that I am a retard. Secondly, ever thought abt how those women feel, putting myself in their shoes? Er... Nope, not my job to think abt how they feel. And... sorry, never been that big, it wouldn't be fair for me to put myself in their shoes, might cause a grave, vast error in judgement.
So, you deduced that I am an idiot for not knowing what Elephantitis is ey? My my... our little miss know-it-all... Lets see how much you really know. First, its Elephantiasis, not Elephantitis. Elephantiasis, properly translated, is the process and condition where the skin and dermis(specifically around the leg region) swells and thickens, forming growths that resemble the limbs of an elephant. Elephantitis, so you most intelligently claimed, means irritation and/or inflammation caused by an elephant. So I'm sorry sir, you are SOL wrong. And no, those women don't have Elephantiasis, you woulda known that if you actually knew the slightest bit about the illness. What you see in those pictures is pure obesity, and that my friend, is none other than self-inflicted. So I guess that makes you, wrong again.
Me being a schmuck is just about all I would agree with you upon. And no, you don't even deserve my pity, but you are definitely ignorant, schmuck.
To : Anonymous.
Every heard of the saying "if you have nothing good to say, dont say it".
Firstly, if you have no balls to state your name but sprout so much nonsense just shut the fuck up.
If you feel offensive about Bryan speaking of fat woman then maybe you could just speak about that instead of calling him names, this way you are no better.
To end it, just shut the fuck up bitch hiding behind a computer. :)
How the fuck do you conclude from one entry that he is self-indulgent? You really have no depth in there.
Pshhh... kids. I bet all of you are like 14. I'm not even gonna bother wasting my time with this stupid discussion.
Bryan, this is awesome work. I agree with you,it is a hoax, a scheme to use sex appeal to lure us away from reality & into the gogglebox.
To Anonymous: wow dude,you sound serious about how feel. & by serious,I mean dumber than a bag of doorknobs.
Let me tell you something, those women look swell...for an elephant!
ROFL!! And 15 1/2 makes you that much older ey?
Not gonna waste your time with this? You replied tho... Isn't that a direct contradiction to what you just said? Try this. Take your left hand, place it on your left ass cheek, and drag your sorry behind back to mommy, grab a milk bottle and some baby wipes while u r at it. Shoo.
To : Anonymous.
If you were so matured and couldn't care less, why did you come back to comment? ;) Stick your mouth up your ass, my friend, maybe that would do you, and all of us, some good.
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